Monday, August 9, 2010

North Central PA

I had an interesting weekend fishing all new water north and east. Was mountain biking at Bob Bannon's camp past DuBois, near SB Elliot & Parker’s Dam State Park. Not known for good fishing in that area due to acid, mining, etc. So took some work, but I found some fish.

On Saturday morning, tried to reach the outlet of DuBois Reservoir, where they stock trout, but must have to hike it. All I caught were chubs & fallfish near Rt. 322. Got a tip that there were brookies in SB Elliot S.P., so 4-wheeled down a treacherous road to Lick Run and caught gorgeous brookies at a beaver dam. Later on, fished Laurel Run (where Clearfield County well blowout occurred), above the lake at Parker Dam, but was just a chub factory. Other than signs posted on trails that an "Industrial Incident" had occured and not to use the stream water for any purpose, I didn't see any signs of damage.

Sunday, I went to the ugliest Delayed Harvest area on earth…Sandy Lick Creek in DuBois. Bright orange…can’t believe they even put trout in there. Actually casted a bit, but not for long. Drove up to Mountain Lick Run, Class A water, and caught one of the fattest brookies I’ve seen. Only 7 inches, but thick. Also caught a brookie on another mt. stream nearby, then more chubs down in Mountain Creek.

On my way home Sunday evening, stopped at the FFOnly/Catch & Release section of North Fork Redbank Creek in Brookville. Three nice riffles/waterfalls with big pools beneath. Loaded with browns feeding on midges of some kind. Took some work, but I caught a few on caddis dry and soft hackle nymph. It’s a bit of a drive from the Burgh, but if you’re heading up to 80, this is a heckuva stream.

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